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What is recovery mode?

How to identify recovery mode and steps to restore Arsenal 2 to its normal state.

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Written by Arsenal
Updated over a week ago

Recovery Mode

As a fail-safe, Arsenal 2 boots into recovery mode if it has issues booting the primary software.

If Arsenal 2 is in Recovery Mode, both of the following will be true

  1. The device's back blue LED bar remains illuminated indefinitely whenever Arsenal 2 is powered on.

  2. Arsenal 2 creates a generic "arsenal" WiFi network instead of a unique network (e.g. arsenal-adjective-noun-number).

The type of WiFi network Arsenal 2 creates is the key to determining whether your device is in recovery mode or simply installing a firmware update. The blue LED bar also stays lit when Arsenal 2 is installing a firmware update, but only for 1-2 minutes.

Arsenal 2 goes into recovery mode if it fails to boot the primary software three times in a row. The reasons for this can vary but can include things such as memory corruption or the firmware update getting interrupted before it has finished.

Getting Arsenal 2 out of Recovery Mode

It's possible you got into recovery mode accidentally.

  • Try holding Arsenal 2's power button down for at least 8 seconds to reset the device. Then turn it back on and try to connect.

  • You can also try adding a new Arsenal 2 on the connection screen (iOS only) or try manually connecting to Arsenal 2 by selecting the Arsenal 2 network in your phone’s WiFi settings. Use the password “arsenal1234” to connect to the Arsenal 2 WiFi manually. Close and reopen the app and follow the instructions when prompted.

If these steps don’t resolve the issue, please contact our friendly support team at We'll help you get it sorted out!

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