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Arsenal 2 Getting Started with Exposure Bracketing
Arsenal 2 Getting Started with Exposure Bracketing

Combine multiple photos to capture high dynamic range scenes (HDR), ideal for sunrise, sunset, indoor settings, and real estate photography.

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Written by Arsenal
Updated over 4 months ago

Exposure Bracketing

To begin, navigate to either the Smart or Manual screen within the Arsenal 2 app. If you want Arsenal 2 to choose all of the settings, use Smart Mode, or if you prefer to control the ISO, aperture, shutter speed, or EV use the Manual screen.

  1. Tap the Stacking Modes icon in the bottom left corner of the screen to access the stacking modes.

2. Select the Exposure Bracketing icon.

3. Set the Number of shots and Step in EV. Swipe down on the Stacking Menu to return to the main menu.

It is preferable to use a larger number of shots to cover the dynamic range in a scene instead of increasing the Step in EV to a larger number. But in many scenarios, just 2 or 3 shots with 2 to 3 steps in EV change between each shot is plenty to capture details in high dynamic range scenes.

You have the option to set the Number of Shots between 2 and 9.

Please Note: Maximum Exposure Bracket range is dependent on your camera's EV range. Most supported cameras will allow -5 to +5 EV, a few only allow -3 to +3 EV.

4. Trigger your shot. On the main screen, enable live view, compose the shot, and set your focus point(s).

5. View and Share your Exposure Bracket Stack

Once you’ve completed your stack, tap the thumbnail in the lower right corner to view the final stacked photo. To share or save the photo, tap the share icon and choose where you’d like to share or save the final photo. You can view the rest of the gallery images and the individual shots captured to create your stack by clicking on the Gallery icon in the upper right corner of this same image review screen.

To save your final stacked photos to your phone automatically, navigate to the Settings screen and click “MANAGE” under the PHOTO STORAGE section and select if you’d like to have Arsenal 2 automatically save all final stacked photos to your phone, Arsenal 2’s internal Micro SD card or both. You can also have Arsenal 2 save the individual images used to create the stack to your phone, Arsenal 2’s internal Micro SD card, or both.

Please note: we recommend checking your saving options prior to shooting to ensure your stacked photos are saved to the onboard Micro SD card and/or your phone, as the stacked photos that Arsenal 2 creates are only saved to the device in temp storage until you adjust your preferences in the settings menu.

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